Schedules and Box Office
    Animal Farm - Tonan Quito
    October 12, 2024
  • Programa
  • Saturday
    10:30 (Escolas)
    Small Auditorium
    Animal Farm - Tonan Quito 

    The screening on the 12th features Audiodescription and Portuguese sign language 

    In this theatrical adaptation of Animal Farm, children actively participate in building the show, questioning themes of power, organization, and the dangers of exploitation as they temporarily take control of the narrative, reflecting Orwell’s message in a modern, interactive setting.

    Directed by Tonan Quito 
    Text Inês Fonseca Santos, from George Orwell's Animal Farm 
    Interpretation Cláudia Gaiolas 
    Set Design F. Ribeiro 
    Light Design Daniel Worm 
    Sound design Pedro Costa 
    Executive producer Cláudia Teixeira 
    Production HomemBala 
    Co-production LU.CA, Teatro Virgínia 
    Institutional support Cultural Promotion Fund / Portuguese Republic - Ministry of Culture 
    Support Lusitano da Penha de França, Portuguese Army 

    Session for schools October 11 at 10:30 a.m. 
    Free registration for schools at

    Media partner Antena 2

    Support Portuguese Republic - Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts. RTCP - Network of Portuguese Theatres and Cinemas

10:30 (Escolas)
Small Auditorium
Animal Farm - Tonan Quito 

The screening on the 12th features Audiodescription and Portuguese sign language 

In this theatrical adaptation of Animal Farm, children actively participate in building the show, questioning themes of power, organization, and the dangers of exploitation as they temporarily take control of the narrative, reflecting Orwell’s message in a modern, interactive setting.

Directed by Tonan Quito 
Text Inês Fonseca Santos, from George Orwell's Animal Farm 
Interpretation Cláudia Gaiolas 
Set Design F. Ribeiro 
Light Design Daniel Worm 
Sound design Pedro Costa 
Executive producer Cláudia Teixeira 
Production HomemBala 
Co-production LU.CA, Teatro Virgínia 
Institutional support Cultural Promotion Fund / Portuguese Republic - Ministry of Culture 
Support Lusitano da Penha de França, Portuguese Army 

Session for schools October 11 at 10:30 a.m. 
Free registration for schools at

Media partner Antena 2

Support Portuguese Republic - Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts. RTCP - Network of Portuguese Theatres and Cinemas

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