Schedules and Box Office
    Espaço Comum - Teatro e Brincadeira
    June 8, 2024
  • Programa
  • Saturday
    Free upon registration
    Espaço Comum: Theater and Play

    Espaço Comum is a gathering experience where different audiences come together to chat about Theatro Circo and its role in the Braga community. 

    Conception Theatro Circo and Pele 
    Mediation Pele (Fernando Almeida, Lucelina Rosa, Maria João Mota) 

    Suitable for 7 to 12 year olds 
    Free with registration at 

Free upon registration
Espaço Comum: Theater and Play

Espaço Comum is a gathering experience where different audiences come together to chat about Theatro Circo and its role in the Braga community. 

Conception Theatro Circo and Pele 
Mediation Pele (Fernando Almeida, Lucelina Rosa, Maria João Mota) 

Suitable for 7 to 12 year olds 
Free with registration at 

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