Schedules and Box Office
    WORKSHOP COM OS PÉS: Joana Von Mayer Trindade e Hugo Calhim Cristóvão
    May 13, 2023
  • Programa
  • Saturday
    10 €
    We will explore the corporeal desire of new dance values in a flash of questioning and experimentation, against “body despisers” and against “resentment” (Nietzsche). We will focus our attention on the vital act of dancing, its necessity and relevance. To achieve a singular and generous dance, breaking with body conformism and the mere repetition of patterns.' JvMT & HCC

10 €
We will explore the corporeal desire of new dance values in a flash of questioning and experimentation, against “body despisers” and against “resentment” (Nietzsche). We will focus our attention on the vital act of dancing, its necessity and relevance. To achieve a singular and generous dance, breaking with body conformism and the mere repetition of patterns.' JvMT & HCC

Other shows
July 27, 2024 / Theater
MIT24 - Espetáculo de Encerramento Oficial
July 29, 2024 / Movies
In the Mood For Love
July 31, 2024 / Theater
Braga En’Cena: Se Uma Gaivota Viesse - Tin.Bra
All shows
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