Schedules and Box Office
    CTB: Endgame - Samuel Beckett
    June 6 e 7, 2024
  • Programa
  • Thursday - 21:30
    Friday - 21:30
    Main Room
    Cartão Quadrilátero
    CTB: Endgame by Samuel Beckett

    CTB presents ENDGAME, a play written by Samuel Beckett on anguish and existential despair, through four peculiar characters in a post- apocalyptic scenario.

    Text by Samuel Beckett
    Staging Sílvia Brito
    Cast André Laires, Carlos Feio, Eduarda Filipa and Rogério Boane
    Set design and props António Jorge 
    Costumes Manuela Bronze 
    Sound design Grasiela Muller 
    Light design Nilton Teixeira 

    27/06 - extra session at 3 p.m.
Thursday - 21:30
Friday - 21:30
Main Room
Cartão Quadrilátero
CTB: Endgame by Samuel Beckett

CTB presents ENDGAME, a play written by Samuel Beckett on anguish and existential despair, through four peculiar characters in a post- apocalyptic scenario.

Text by Samuel Beckett
Staging Sílvia Brito
Cast André Laires, Carlos Feio, Eduarda Filipa and Rogério Boane
Set design and props António Jorge 
Costumes Manuela Bronze 
Sound design Grasiela Muller 
Light design Nilton Teixeira 

27/06 - extra session at 3 p.m.
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